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Hotel SET

Kalinčiakova 29

Bratislava 83104

Phone number +421249109600 ,

Mobil number +421915930583


Hotel SET s.r.o Sídlo spoločnosti: Príkopova 6, 831 03 Bratislava; zapísané v Mestský súd Bratislava III,oddiel: Sro, vložka č.: 31210/B Bratislava 83103



IČ DPH:SK2021810615

TATRA BANK:SK38 1100 0000 0026 2583 8902

House rules of the Hotel Set®

1.  Only the guest, who has been properly checked in, will be accommodated by the hotel. For this purpose, the guest shall submit to the authorized employee of the hotel immediately after his/her arrival his/her valid identity card, passport or other identity document. The hotel will issue him/her just after his/her arrival the hotel card giving the name of the hotel, name of the guest, room number, length of stay and time, until it is necessary to release the room on the departure date.  

2.The hotel provides services to the accommodated guest within the extent established by the relevant legal regulation. 

3.According to the general rules, the hotel is obliged to book a room for the guest and to accommodate the guest up to 6:00 a.m. of the next day after the date that is stated on the booking confirmation as the date of his/her arrival. In case the guest fails to inform the hotel about postponing the date of his/her arrival, and will not appear (so-called “no show”) until 6:00 a.m. of the next day after the date specified on the booking confirmation, the hotel has the right to sell this room even in case when booking was made for several days. 

4.In case of repeated arrival to the hotel, the guest shall identify with the valid hotel card based on the request of any hotel employee. 

5. In case the guest decides to shorten his/her booked stay in the hotel, and fails to report his/her new departure one day in advance, he/she will be charged  even the night on the date of his/her departure. 

6.In exceptional cases, the hotel has the right to offer the guest other accommodation than the originally booked and confirmed one, unless it substantially differs from the original booking. The exceptional situation is considered the technical or other defect in the originally booked room. Accommodation in the room of lower category than that booked by the guest is considered the substantial change. 

7.If the guest booked in advance a single room, and his/her booking was confirmed by the hotel, the hotel charges the guest only the price for the single room even in case, if the hotel accommodates the guest  in a room with several beds or in a suite.

8.If the guest has asked additionally for extension of his/her stay, the hotel has the right to offer him/her also a different room than that he/she was originally accommodated in. 

9.The hotel is liable for the valuable things brought by the guest to the hotel. The hotel is liable for damage caused to the deposited things, if they have been deposited at the place reserved for this purpose (the safe). The hotel is liable for money, jewels and other valuable property of the guest only in case if the hotel has taken them to the depository (on the basis of the voucher). 

10. Saloons are available for the receiving of visitors. The guest can receive visitors in the room after previous notification of the employee of the hotel reception and after their registration in the book of visitors in time from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

11.In case of a disease or injury, the hotel will provide for medical attendance on the guest´s costs, or for his/her transport to hospital. 

12. The guest uses the hotel room during the period of time confirmed on the basis of the booking. The guest can cancel the booked stay at the latest 24 hours before the planned departure, and shall release the room at the latest by 11:00 a.m. on the day of his/her departure. If the guest fails to do it, the hotel has the right to charge him/her the stay even for the next night. In case when the guest fails to leave the room in time, fails to obey the request, or if he/she is not present in the hotel, the hotel reserves the right to make out the list of the guest´s things in the presence of three witnesses, and to deposit them at the safe place, in order the room could be prepared for the next use. 

13. The guest who fails to accommodate before 6:00 a.m. shall pay the price of accommodation for the previous night. The guest, who asks for accommodation before 10:00 a.m., and the room was not rented for the previous night, shall pay for accommodation for the previous night. 

14. The guest must not move the furniture and equipment and must not make any modifications and intervention into the mains or the installations in the room and in the common areas of the hotel without consent of the hotel management. 

15. The guests are not allowed to use own electrical appliances in the hotel and in the room without consent of the hotel management. This ban does not apply to the electrical appliances serving for personal hygiene of the guest (dry shaver, massager, hair drier etc.).

16. Before each departure from the room, the guest shall close the water taps and shall switch off the lights in the room. 

17. In case when the guest fails to return the key (magnetic card) during check out, the hotel has the right to charge the costs of this magnetic card. 

18. Due to safety reasons, it is not suitable to leave children up to the age of 10 years without attendance of adults either in the room or in the other common areas of the hotel. The client is responsible for possible accidents or injuries, not the hotel.

19. Small dogs and other small animals can be exceptionally accommodated by the hotel based on an agreement provided that the guest will inform in advance the hotel about this request, and he/she will receive the consent in writing for it from the hotel reception. The owner shall demonstrate the health state of these animals after his/her arrival to the hotel. The price for accommodation of an animal is charged according to the valid price list.  

20. In time from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. it is inevitable to keep silent hours, i.e. the guest shall not disturb the other guests accommodated in the hotel.

21. The guest is liable for the damages caused to the property of the hotel according to the valid regulations. The guest shall check the condition of the room at the beginning of his/her stay, and any possible deficiencies shall immediately report to the reception. Otherwise any intentional or non-intentional damage or other impairment of the property during his/her stay in the hotel will be debited to the guest´s account according to the valid regulations.

22. The guest shall report immediately any defects and damages caused by him/her in the room during his/her stay to the hotel reception. The guest shall reimburse any damage found in the room, until he/she demonstrates that he/he has not caused it. 

23. The guest shall pay the price for accommodation and services provide in accordance with the valid price list, as a rule before finishing his/her stay, however, maximum for a one week stay. The bill is due at the sight. When accommodating, the guest shall submit the valid credit card as guarantee of payment (the hotel has the right for pre-authorization of the relevant financial means on the client´s card), or the guest shall pay for the accommodation services in cash in advance. 

24. The strict prohibition of smoking is valid in the whole hotel, both in the hotel rooms and in the common areas. Balconies of rooms, the terrace and areas in front of the hotel are exceptions.  

25. In case when the guest leaves his/her personal things in the room, or he/she fails to pick up the deposited things, the hotel will store the things left in the aforementioned way for the period of 3 months, and then it has the right to dispose these things  at its discretion. The hotel is obliged to contact the guest and to inform him/her about this fact in case, when the guest has left the valid contact data. 

26. The guest is forbidden:

28. Complaints of the guests, proposal for improvement of activity or hotel services offered are received by the hotel management, or the guest can write them into the book of suggestions and complaints that is available and for request at the hotel reception. 

29. The guest is obliged to observe these house rules. In case of any breach of them, the hotel management has the right to withdraw from the contract on provision of the accommodation service before expiration of the period of time agreed in advance. The used services shall be properly paid by the guest. 

The House Rules are valid since May 1, 2012

        Juraj Marko

Director of the Hotel SET®

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